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利用人工智能協助你生意大展鴻圖 Don't let the epidemic delay your business!


Updated: Feb 26, 2021

因為疫情令潛在客戶不能親臨到銀行開立戶口? 因為長時間的輪候而使銀行失去潛在客戶? 您希望提升您的客戶服務並能支援聽障人士?

這些問題都能一一解決。智能動力服務有限公司很榮幸能對大家宣布,東亞銀行已推出了手機開戶程式 — BEA Flash,並且結合了我們智能動力服務有限公司的線上即時對話功能,讓東亞銀行的客戶可以便捷地使用手機開立戶口。客戶可隨時與客戶服務主任即時對話,為客戶解答問題,確保開戶的申請過程快捷暢順。客戶服務主任也可透過即時對話功能平台分享更多有用資訊。

如果您也想優待您的客戶,節省他們寶貴的時間,為他們提供更方便的在綫服務,歡迎與智能動力服務有限公司聯絡及商討您們的想法。您亦可以下載BEA Flash 手機開戶程式,了解並體驗我們的線上即時對話功能。科技發展一日千里,為了客戶著想,是時候加入新服務了!


Coronavirus has been stopping your potential clients from opening bank accounts physically? Due to the long queuing time at the bank, you have lost hundreds and thousands of potential customers? You wish to enhance your customer service to assist persons with hearing impairment?

Well, all these problems can be solved. AI Momentum is proud to announce that BEA has launched an alternative way “BEA Flash” (mobile app) to provide a simple, mobile-friendly account-opening process. With the addition of Live Chat online messaging service powered by AI Momentum, potential customers will have instant access to a BEA customer service representative, who will answer customers’ inquiries in text as well as share details about related promotional offers, to ensure a quick and smooth account application. Consequently, it can minimise the loss rate of your potential customers.

If you wish to offer a premium service to your customers, live chat online messaging service is the alternative option that can save their valuable time. Please feel free to contact AI Momentum to discuss your ideas. We are happy to customise the live chat based on your requirements and needs. Or you can also download the “BEA Flash” app first to try out and get to know our live chat service. With the rapid development in technology and for the sake of your customers, it’s time to induce new service!

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